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29.11. 2017 Utanríkisráðuneytið

Þakkir til Íslendinga frá kennara í Kalangala

SchoolkalangalaAð gera við skóla og byggja upp menntakerfi í fátæku landi er risavaxið verkefni. En þau kunna að meta aðstoð Íslands sem hana fá og hér með er þökkum komið til skila, skrifaði Stefán Jón Hafstein forstöðumaður sendiráðs Íslands í Kampala á Fésbókarsíðu sína á dögunum og birti bréf kennarans:

,,Bridge of hope community based school Kalangala ssese islands, would like tp extends its joyful and thankful massage to the all Iceland community, for supporting our school, in books, water tank, latrine and now classroom block, which it could take this school more ten years to get such a standard buildings!! !!, you are really for Kalangala pupils!!!!,  we had buildings which when it rains water just wet pupils and teachers run for protection in the administration room and living the children to wet!!!, but, now if this on going classroom is completed, it will give children protection hence increase the quality of education at school.
So as the school staff, let me take this opportunity to thank you, for all who contributes to the underserved children of Uganda ,please thank you for loving us, mostly Bridge of hope school !!!! Be blessed as you have been a blessing to us. Lweera Lawrence (staff ) "


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